“They Don’t Want the Backlash”: Top Doctors Balk as Team Biden Tries to Turn the Page on COVID

“They Don’t Want the Backlash”: Top Doctors Balk as Team Biden Tries to Turn the Page on COVID

In early 2021, the incoming Biden administration had every expectation of rescuing America from the previous regime’s Lord of the Flies–style pandemic response, in which states battled one another for scarce supplies and advisers pushed controversial recommendations to let the virus spread unchecked to achieve herd immunity. Joe Biden’s team unfurled a massive and well-organized vaccine rollout, bringing the lifesaving shots to within five miles of almost every U.S. home and vaccinating roughly 215 million Americans. A little over a year later, with a mind-boggling 1 million American deaths from COVID-19—nearly half coming after the vaccinations were freely available, amid… Read Full Article