Sloppy Jane On Album ‘Madison,’ Her Goth Past & Astrology

Sloppy Jane On Album ‘Madison,’ Her Goth Past & Astrology

Most artists record their albums in a studio. Some make do in their bedrooms. Sloppy Jane — the stage name of Los Angeles musician Haley Dahl, once bandmate to Phoebe Bridgers turned latest signee at Saddest Factory Records — recorded her ambitious new album, Madison, with a 21-member orchestra 200 feet underground, in a large limestone cave in West Virginia called Lost World Caverns. It’s a pretty unbelievable origin story for an equally unbelievable album, an 11-track orchestral-pop epic complete with an “Overture” and “Epilogue,” and filled with grand, cavern-sized (literally) breakup songs. The whole thing came from an idea… Read Full Article