Kardashian nemesis Jordyn Woods shows off major underboob & bares it all in naked photo to celebrate her 25th birthday

Kardashian nemesis Jordyn Woods shows off major underboob & bares it all in naked photo to celebrate her 25th birthday

KARDASHIAN nemesis Jordyn Woods has celebrated her 25th birthday by giving fans a look at her risqué photoshoot. Photographer Bonnie Nichoalds recreated The Birth of Venus with Jordyn as her naked muse. 5 Jordyn Woods recreated the Birth of Venus painting Credit: Bonnie Nichoalds 5 Jordyn said she has ‘endured and dealt with a lot mentally and privately’ Credit: Bonnie Nichoalds Like in the painting by artist Sandro Botticelli, the model ditched her clothing as she posed in the mouth of a giant clam. In the series of Instagram photos, the star had a silver necklace around her bare chest… Read Full Article