Maroon 5 Ridiculed On Social Media For Announcing Vegas Residency Amid Adam Levine’s Cheating Scandal

Maroon 5 Ridiculed On Social Media For Announcing Vegas Residency Amid Adam Levine’s Cheating Scandal

Others responded to the news by quoting some of the “Misery” singer’s alleged cringe-worthy DMs, where he uttered things like “Holy f**k” while looking at scantily clad photos of various women. “Come for the gambling, stay for a 9th grader’s version of sexy talk!” quipped another of the concert series. Levine’s scandal first made headlines earlier this month when influencer Sumner Stroh publicized their messages to claim they had a year-long affair. She even alleged that the dad-of-two — who is expecting a third child with Prinsloo — wanted to name his baby after her. Read Full Article