
Asteroid 7335 LIVE — NASA says ‘potentially hazardous’ MILE-WIDE space rock makes ‘close approach’ to Earth at 29,000mph
THE biggest asteroid to get close to Earth this year will fly by our planet this week. The space rock named 7335 (1989 JA) will soar within 2.5million miles of Earth at 29,000mph on May 27, according to Nasa. According to Nasa’s close approaches database, the rock is up to 1.1 miles wide, which makes it four times bigger than the Empire State Building – or as tall as 350 giraffes stacked on top of each other. Though it’s classified as “potentially hazardous” because it’ll come within 4.65 million miles of Earth, Asteroid 7335 does not pose any immediate threat… Read Full Article
By the-sun