COLA Social Security payment schedule 2022 — Exact date next wave of $4,194 will be sent to millions of Americans

COLA Social Security payment schedule 2022 — Exact date next wave of $4,194 will be sent to millions of Americans

THE date of the next and final wave of Social Security checks for the month of May is coming up soon. Your payment is distributed depending on your birthday. In the case of those born between the 21st-30th of the month, their payment will be dispersed on May 25. This year, the average monthly Social Security benefit is $1,657, while the maximum is $4,194 a month. The Senior Citizens League has tweaked its 2023 COLA projection to an 8.6 percent increase, up from a 5.9 percent increase in 2022. The increase would mean that the average benefit will climb about… Read Full Article