Ethics in Documentary Filmmaking: Patricia Aufderheide Urges Community to Put Values into Action

Ethics in Documentary Filmmaking: Patricia Aufderheide Urges Community to Put Values into Action

It’s time to put “values into action” in the documentary field, argued professor Patricia Aufderheide at Ji.hlava Film Festival. Addressing ethical issues that doc filmmakers identify in their work, Aufderheide – who joined the conference online – offered concrete solutions, referencing DAWG’s [Documentary Accountability Working Group] framework “From Reflection to Release.” “Integrate anti-oppression practices in your work. Be transparent in your relationships. Acknowledge your positionality. Respect the dignity and agency of the people in your film. Prioritize the needs, wellbeing and experience of the people associated with the film, treat potential audience members with dignity, care and concern.” Aufderheide also… Read Full Article