Fake News — A 200-Year Smear Campaign & The Lies Behind ‘Hamilton’: How George III Has Been Slandered By History

Fake News — A 200-Year Smear Campaign & The Lies Behind ‘Hamilton’: How George III Has Been Slandered By History

George III ruled the British Empire for 60 years between 1760 and 1820, but it was during his reign that the British colonies in America broke away and drafted the Declaration of Independence in 1776. The result was eight years of bitter fighting, before the British conceded defeat and George Washington was sworn in as the first U.S. President in 1789. According to Thomas-Mace-Archer-Mills, founder of the British Monarchist Society, even Washington himself was guilty of exploiting “fake news” against the king for his own ends. “You need that villain to actually justify why things were done, the way they… Read Full Article