FBI Agents Confiscate Nearly 20 Boxes Of Classified Documents From Donald Trump’s Home–He Says Evidence Was “Planted”

FBI Agents Confiscate Nearly 20 Boxes Of Classified Documents From Donald Trump’s Home–He Says Evidence Was “Planted”

FBI Agents Confiscate Nearly 20 Boxes Of Classified Documents From Donald Trump’s Home–He Says Evidence Was “Planted” CNN reports that authorities found classified documents at Donald Trump’s home when they served a search warrant earlier this week. In the unsealed search warrant, the FBI found “11 sets of classified documents from its search of Mar-a-Lago” home. Federal agents also found “top secret/SCI” documents, the highest classification level. Classified Documents Taken From Donald Trump’s Home The Washington Post reports that Trump had about 20 boxes taken from his home by the FBI, “including photo binders, information about the president of France,… Read Full Article