‘Halftime’ Review: A Documentary About Jennifer Lopez That’s Too Celebratory to Have Much Drama

‘Halftime’ Review: A Documentary About Jennifer Lopez That’s Too Celebratory to Have Much Drama

For reviewers, it’s become a cliché when writing about a soft-pedaled, fan-service pop-star documentary to refer to it as an infomercial. The cliché isn’t always wrong. On occasion, I’ve used the I-word. But one reason that I stopped using is it seemed too easy — and also, I couldn’t help but notice that I was enjoying (and a getting a lot out of) certain music docs that were unabashed celebrations of their subject, even if they didn’t take the deepest dive or linger on the dark side. As a Billie Eilish fan, I went into “Billie Eilish: The World’s a… Read Full Article