
Jeopardy! fans praise Jackie Kelly for her ‘calm dominance’ after she bets EVERYTHING on one question and wins the game
JEOPARDY! fans buzzed over returning champion Jackie Kelly. They praised her “calm dominance” after she bet “all of it” on Double Jeopardy and won her fourth game. 3 Returning champ Jackie Kelly won her fourth game on Wednedsay 3 She was praised after betting ‘all of it’ on Double Jeopardy as well as nailing Final Jeopardy Credit: Sony 3 Fans said she ‘calmly dominated’ and some compared her to James Holtzauer Credit: Twitter Jackie, a poised Cary, North Carolina-based Pension Calculation Developer, has more earnings to calculate with a four-day winning streak. She entered March 30th’s Jeopardy! with $91K in… Read Full Article
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