
Jurassic World: Dominion Refuses to Learn Its Own Lesson
The first Jurassic World film, director Colin Trevorrow’s 2015 box office smash continuing the saga begun by Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park, mostly re-created the 1993 original at a larger scale. The park was bigger, the dinosaurs more fearsome, the star—Chris Pratt—hunkier and more action-ready than Sam Neill’s nerdy Jurassic Park scientist. The next film, Fallen Kingdom, in 2018, allowed director J.A. Bayona to turn the second half of his movie into a monster-in-the-house horror, whereas the first section dutifully aped Spielberg’s Lost World (the original Jurassic Park sequel). Now we’re on to number three—or, number six—which finds Trevorrow back at… Read Full Article
By vanityfair