Kate Winslet Says Robert Downey Jr.’s ‘Dreadful’ Accent During ‘The Holiday’ Audition Left Her Thinking: ‘That’s Bad. That’s Not Going to Work’

Robert Downey Jr. revealed last summer that his audition for Nancy Meyers’ “The Holiday” went poorly after Kate Winslet roasted his accent work. Now Winslet herself is admitting to hating Downey Jr.’s interpretation of the character ultimately played by Jude Law. Winslet recently appeared on “The Tonight Show” while promoting her new HBO series “The Regime” and was asked by host Jimmy Fallon if she remembered Downey Jr.’s audition. Fallon was in the room for it as he was reading for the role played by Jack Black, while Winslet and Cameron Diaz had already been cast and were reading their… Read Full Article