Meet the “Dirtbag” Skewering New York’s Hyper-Gentrified Downtown Scene

Meet the “Dirtbag” Skewering New York’s Hyper-Gentrified Downtown Scene

Hartman grew up just north of the city in Westchester, and explains that, until recently, he was working “a pretty corporate job—like, corporate enough that I had to input shit into Salesforce and all that stuff which I hated.” Running a buzzy Instagram account has led to a few opportunities—helping brands with their digital strategy here, freelance meme making there. (“Insane collection of words, ‘freelance meme making.’”) Nolita Dirtbag isn’t yet his prime source of income, but Hartman nonetheless considers himself a “huge sellout” for making some money through sponsored posts and collabs with brands like M Jewelers. “You either… Read Full Article