‘Money Over Ethics’: Kim Kardashian Torn To Shreds Over Collab With Dolce & Gabbana After Fashion Brand’s Scandal-Plagued History

‘Money Over Ethics’: Kim Kardashian Torn To Shreds Over Collab With Dolce & Gabbana After Fashion Brand’s Scandal-Plagued History

“The D&G story has been written before,” Katz explained in a caption. “So it’s really not a matter of publications balking at having the conversation. It’s simply that it’s been had. And the industry (largely but not entirely) has made its stance clear: $ > ethics. It’s a multi-billion dollar industry so though that’s disappointing, it shouldn’t be surprising.” In the comments, several people were sharing their own thoughts on the subject. “Been asked to wear them. Won’t. Ever. Too many great fashion options without the self hate,” one wrote. “They trying their best to back track their comments and… Read Full Article