‘Rebel’ Review: An Anti-Radicalization Action Movie That Proves a Surprisingly Effective Blunt Weapon

‘Rebel’ Review: An Anti-Radicalization Action Movie That Proves a Surprisingly Effective Blunt Weapon

If the unmarked enemy aircraft, mirrored visors and carefully evasive language of Joseph Kosinksi’s “Top Gun: Maverick” tell us anything, it’s that Hollywood has learned to avoid political specifics in the delivery of grandstanding blockbuster entertainment. So one can be forgiven for coming to “Rebel” with hackles raised and offence-o-meters on red alert, as it milks Hollywoodish action-movie thrills (and even a few surreal musical numbers) from the highly charged scenario of one young Belgian’s recruitment into a Syrian ISIS cell. But there’s an unabashed sincerity in how directing team Adil & Bilall (“Bad Boys For Life,” the upcoming “Batgirl”)… Read Full Article