Reese Witherspoon Is Tweeting About Parallel Digital Identities And People Have Thoughts

Reese Witherspoon Is Tweeting About Parallel Digital Identities And People Have Thoughts

Reese Witherspoon tweeted about the need for parallel digital identities on Tuesday and the Internet got into a virtual tizzy (pun fully intended). “In the (near) future, every person will have a parallel digital identity. Avatars, crypto wallets, digital goods will be the norm. Are you planning for this?” the actor/entertainment mogul asked her followers. Advertisement In the (near) future, every person will have a parallel digital identity. Avatars, crypto wallets, digital goods will be the norm. Are you planning for this? — Reese Witherspoon (@ReeseW) January 11, 2022 As you might expect, people had lots of thoughts, including the… Read Full Article