Toni Collette Shot Each ‘Staircase’ Death Scene in One Take After Speaking to Kathleen Peterson in Her Head

Toni Collette Shot Each ‘Staircase’ Death Scene in One Take After Speaking to Kathleen Peterson in Her Head

Each morning as Toni Collette brushes her teeth, an owl stares back at her. The stoic bird of prey is not perched outside her window but rather ornately sitting on her countertop, contorted into the shape of a ceramic coffee mug that she places her toothbrush into before she starts her day. “It’s there looking at me daily — twice a day if I’m dentally honest,” Collette says. “Maybe I need a new receptacle.” Even if its days as her morning companion are numbered, the mug is a surreal artifact of her newly Emmy-nominated turn as Kathleen Peterson, a North… Read Full Article