What Happens When an Election Denier Wins Their Race? Kari Lake Executed the Playbook Perfectly

What Happens When an Election Denier Wins Their Race? Kari Lake Executed the Playbook Perfectly

Kari Lake, a former local news anchor, was declared the GOP primary winner in Arizona’s gubernatorial race on Thursday night after she had spent days fuming over unfounded voter-fraud allegations. Lake, who was endorsed by Donald Trump early in the primary, is an outspoken proponent of the former president’s “stolen election” claims, with so-called election integrity being a top priority of her campaign. But then she declared victory, executing Trump’s election theater playbook—one better suited for WrestleMania than a campaign trail—to a tee. The former Fox 10 Phoenix broadcaster, who hours before polls closed Tuesday announced, “If we don’t win,… Read Full Article