
Yankees legend Mariano Rivera sells nine-bedroom New York mansion but takes massive $2million hit
NEW YORK YANKEES pitcher Mariano Rivera has sold his Westchester estate – but at a huge loss. The 52-year-old MLB icon closed the sale for $3.78m having brought it for $5.7m in the mid-2000s. 12 Yankees legend Mariano Rivera has sold his home for a $2m loss Credit: Marc Keslow/Compass 12 The nine-bedroom estate in Westchester features a grand entrance gallery Credit: Marc Keslow/Compass 12 It has it’s own study/office area Credit: Marc Keslow/Compass 12 And comes with a movie theater that seats 15 people Credit: Marc Keslow/Compass 12 The house is located in Westchester, New York Credit: Marc Keslow/Compass… Read Full Article
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